Please call us to check stock levels if you are visiting for a particular item, as these lists are not live updated, and some items may not yet be ready for sale. Thank you.
Description | Price | Stock Qty |
Actinidia Kolomikta 3L | 14.99 | 12 |
Akebia Quinata (Chocolate Vine) 3L | 12.99 | 22 |
Akebia Quinata (Chocolate Vine) 7.5L | 34.99 | 1 |
Clematis Albina Plena 3L | 9.99 | 1 |
Clematis alpina Cyanea 3L Pot | 9.99 | 19 |
Clematis alpina Helsingborg 3L | 12.99 | 3 |
Clematis Arabella 3L | 9.99 | 15 |
Clematis Arabella 7.5L | 34.99 | 2 |
Clematis armandii Apple Blossom 2L | 19.99 | 6 |
Clematis armandii 2L | 19.99 | 1 |
Clematis armandii 'Hendersonii Rubra' 2L | 19.99 | 2 |
Clematis armandii Snowdrift 2L | 19.99 | 4 |
Clematis Blue Light 15cm pot | 13.99 | 3 |
Clematis Boulevard Bernadine 3L | 14.99 | 1 |
Clematis Boulevard Ninon 3L | 14.99 | 5 |
Clematis Boulevard Nubia 3L | 14.99 | 6 |
Clematis Boulevard Olympia 3L | 14.99 | 11 |
Clematis Boulevard Samaritan Joe 3L | 14.99 | 11 |
Clematis cartmanii 3L | 14.99 | 7 |
Clematis cartmanii 'Avalanche' 2L | 19.99 | 13 |
Clematis cartmanii Joe 2L | 19.99 | 16 |
Clematis cartmanii White Abundance 2L | 19.99 | 15 |
Clematis cirr Landsdowne Gem 3L | 12.99 | 6 |
Clematis cirrhosa Freckles 3L | 12.99 | 15 |
Clematis cirrhosa Jingle Bells 3L | 12.99 | 10 |
Clematis cirrhosa Wisley Cream 3L | 12.99 | 2 |
Clematis Comtesse de Bouchard 3L | 9.99 | 6 |
Clematis Double Delight 3L | 12.99 | 14 |
Clematis Dr Ruppel 3L | 12.99 | 12 |
Clematis Duchess of Edinburgh 3L | 12.99 | 1 |
Clematis Early Sensation 2 L | 19.99 | 14 |
Clematis florida Alba Plena (Flore Pleno) 3L | 12.99 | 4 |
Clematis florida Taiga 3L | 14.99 | 28 |
Clematis Fond Memories 3Ltr | 12.99 | 13 |
Clematis Fond Memories 7.5L | 34.99 | 3 |
Clematis Forever Friends 3L | 12.99 | 2 |
Clematis Fukuzono 2L | 14.99 | 6 |
Clematis Garland Hisako 3L | 14.99 | 1 |
Clematis Gipsy Queen 3L | 9.99 | 2 |
Clematis Gladys Picard 3L | 9.99 | 1 |
Clematis Guernsey Cream 3L | 9.99 | 3 |
Clematis H. F. Young 3L | 9.99 | 2 |
Clematis Hagley Hybrid 3L | 9.99 | 13 |
Clematis Hagley Hybrid 17cm pot | 12.99 | 1 |
Clematis Henryi 3L | 12.99 | 15 |
Clematis Jackmanii 17cm pot | 12.99 | 1 |
Clematis Jackmanii 3L | 9.99 | 3 |
Clematis jackmanii Purpurea 3L | 14.99 | 7 |
Clematis Kokonoe 3L | 14.99 | 1 |
Clematis Little Lemons 3L | 12.99 | 1 |
Clematis macropetala Maidwell Hall 3L | 9.99 | 11 |
Clematis Madame Le Coultre 3L | 12.99 | 2 |
Clematis Margaret Hunt 3L | 9.99 | 8 |
Clematis Marie Boisselot 3L | 12.99 | 2 |
Clematis Miss Bateman 2L | 12.99 | 1 |
Clematis Miss Bateman 3L | 9.99 | 2 |
Clematis montana 'Broughton Star' 3L | 12.99 | 4 |
Clematis montana Fragrant Spring 3L | 12.99 | 3 |
Clematis Montana Giant Star 3L | 12.99 | 17 |
Clematis montana Grandiflora 3L | 12.99 | 7 |
Clematis montana Marjorie 3L | 12.99 | 5 |
Clematis montana Odorata 3L | 12.99 | 24 |
Clematis montana Rubens 3L | 12.99 | 16 |
Clematis montana Spooneri 3L | 9.99 | 8 |
Clematis montana Van Gogh 3L | 14.99 | 5 |
Clematis Morning Yellow 3L | 12.99 | 18 |
Clematis Mrs Cholmondeley 3L | 12.99 | 11 |
Clematis Mrs George Jackman 15cm pot | 13.99 | 1 |
Clematis Mrs George Jackman 3L | 12.99 | 15 |
Clematis Multi Blue 3L | 9.99 | 12 |
Clematis Nelly Moser 3L | 12.99 | 15 |
Clematis Nelly Moser 7.5L | 34.99 | 1 |
Clematis Niobe 3L | 12.99 | 28 |
Clematis Octopus 2L | 15.99 | 1 |
Clematis Pamina 15cm pot | 13.99 | 1 |
Clematis Piilu 3L | 9.99 | 5 |
Clematis Pink Fantasy 3L | 9.99 | 3 |
Clematis Prince Charles 3L | 12.99 | 4 |
Clematis Prince William 17cm pot | 15.99 | 1 |
Clematis Prince William 3L | 12.99 | 3 |
Clematis Princess Diana 2L | 16.99 | 13 |
Clematis Princess Diana 3L | 9.99 | 2 |
Clematis Rhapsody 3L | 9.99 | 1 |
Clematis Romantika 3 Litre | 9.99 | 2 |
Clematis Rouge Cardinal 3L | 9.99 | 14 |
Clematis Rüütel 2L | 14.99 | 1 |
Clematis Silver Star 3L | 12.99 | 20 |
Clematis Snow Queen 3L | 9.99 | 15 |
Clematis So Many Lavender Flowers 17cm pot | 12.99 | 1 |
Clematis Star of India 2L | 9.99 | 1 |
Clematis Star of India 3 Litre | 9.99 | 2 |
CLEMATIS tang ANITA 3L | 11.99 | 18 |
Clematis tangutica Helios 3L | 12.99 | 5 |
Clematis texensis Princess Kate 3L | 14.99 | 1 |
Clematis The President 3L | 9.99 | 4 |
Clematis Tie Dye 2L | 14.99 | 16 |
Clematis Unknown Variety 2L | 4.99 | 8 |
Clematis Ville de Lyon 3L | 9.99 | 8 |
Clematis Violet Elizabeth 2L | 14.99 | 1 |
Clematis vitalba 3L | 9.99 | 2 |
Clematis viticella Rubra 7.5L | 29.99 | 3 |
Clematis viticella 3L | 9.99 | 5 |
Clematis viticella Etoile Violette 3L | 9.99 | 22 |
Clematis viticella Little Bas 15cm | 13.99 | 12 |
Clematis viticella Little Nell 3L | 12.99 | 10 |
Clematis viticella Madame Julia Correvon 3L | 9.99 | 1 |
Clematis viticella Polish Spirit 3L | 9.99 | 5 |
Clematis viticella purpurea Plena Elegans 2L | 13.99 | 1 |
Clematis viticella Purpurea Plena Elegans 3L | 9.99 | 14 |
Clematis viticella Rubra 3L | 9.99 | 13 |
Clematis viticella Venosa Violacea 2L | 14.99 | 9 |
Clematis Wadas Primrose 3 Litre | 12.99 | 4 |
Clematis Warsaw Nike 3L | 9.99 | 13 |
Clematis Winter Beauty 2L | 16.99 | 8 |
Hedera colchica Dentata Variegata 3L | 12.99 | 2 |
Hydrangea anom Petiolaris 3L | 8.99 | 2 |
Hydrangea anomale Glabra Crug Coral 3L | 14.99 | 5 |
Hydrangea anomela Petiolaris 3L | 12.99 | 6 |
Hydrangea petiolaris Silver Lining 3L | 11.99 | 1 |
Jasminum Fiona Sunrise 3L | 8.99 | 6 |
Lonicera Goldflame 3L | 9.99 | 10 |
Lonicera Goldflame 7.5L | 34.99 | 2 |
Lonicera Halliana 3L | 9.99 | 8 |
Lonicera Henryi Flowers 17cm pot | 10.99 | 1 |
Lonicera japonica Hall's Prolific 3L | 9.99 | 11 |
Lonicera japonica Red World 3L | 8.99 | 26 |
Lonicera Mandarin 3L | 9.99 | 17 |
LONICERA peri. RED & CREAM flowers 3L | 17.99 | 18 |
Lonicera peri. Red and Yellow Flowers 3 ltr | 9.99 | 16 |
Lonicera periclymenum Serotina 3L | 9.99 | 39 |
Lonicera periclymenum Serotina 7.5L | 34.99 | 5 |
Lonicera Red and Cream Flowers 7.5L | 34.99 | 2 |
Parthenocissus quinquefolia Engalmanii 2L | 9.99 | 4 |
Passiflora Betty Miles Young 3L | 12.99 | 11 |
Passiflora Riverside Damsel's Delight 3L | 9.99 | 17 |
Passiflora Riverside Snow Queen 3L | 12.99 | 20 |
Solanum Crispum Glasnevin Chilean Potato Tree 3L | 9.99 | 21 |
STAUNTONIA hexaphylla 3 ltr dp 3 x 3' canes | 19.99 | 1 |
Trachelospermum jasminoides 3L Pot | 14.99 | 1 |
Trachelospermum jasminoides on Trellis 18L | 99.99 | 1 |
Trachelospermum jasminoides Variegata 2L | 14.99 | 1 |
Wisteria brachybotrys Shiro Kapitan Fuji 3L | 34.99 | 1 |
Wisteria brachybotrys Showa Beni 18L | 199.99 | 1 |
Wisteria brachybotrys Showa Beni 3L | 34.99 | 4 |
Wisteria brachyboytrys Golden Dragon 7L | 49.99 | 1 |
Wisteria floribunda Black Dragon 7L | 56.99 | 3 |
Wisteria frutescens Amethyst Falls 3L | 19.99 | 13 |